# Structural Data Platform

What is the Structural Data Platform

The Structural Data Platform team builds a seamless background process to unlock your data.

This site focuses on the development of workflows, apps and other content for the SDP platform. For a broader introduction to the SDP platform, please see our page on the Structural Data Platform site (opens new window)

# Executive Summary

Measuring structural performance as a function over time, economic and environment variables will help engineers deliver higher quality design and negotiate higher profit margins for structural projects.

This idea has been attempted in Arup however barriers such as data inconsistency and slow adoption of structured workflows remains rooted and hinder progress. Several global workstreams were created in response; Speckle for data interoperability, Total Design Automation for workflow automation, Digital Design Brief for storing and validating data, etc. The global impetus to change how we work with data gave East Asia region the right environment to develop a data platform for harvesting and harnessing structural analysis data.

characteristic of the structural data platform

A key characteristic of the structural data platform is its tool adoption. Its core platform is entirely made of several global automation workstreams:

  • Speckle (Speckle is a platform for transmitting data from one workflow to another workflow in a common intermediate format)
  • Arup Data Platform
  • DDB (Digital Design Brief is a platform to store project data)

It works by listening to Speckle. Then identifies and downloads any structural analysis data streams without distinction of its presumed value (schematic studies are normally discarded). It can further deduce who and what project the data stream belongs to, and whether it has authorisation to process it (so your sensitive data is safe).

The main functions of the platform include standardising the data stream’s schema and attribute naming, data validation, and mapping to other data sources.

Finally, the data is aggregated and validated in DDB before being visualised and producing insights for engineers. These processes are completely automated and occur in real time.

# Benefits

The SDP platform brings following benefits to structural engineers across Arup by:

  1. All models are streamed to cloud and can be found in the future
  2. Benchmarking project data will be easier than ever
  3. No longer need to manually dig out models from j drive - and you may not even able to open it
  4. ...much more than you can imagine

# Team

PD : Andrew Mole | andrew.mole@arup.com

PM : Jason Chen | jason.chen@arup.com

Solution Designer: Yun Sung | yun.sung@arup.com

Structural Engineer: Yan-Xin Zhou | yan-xin.zhou@arup com

Data Engineer: Toby Evans | toby.evans@arup.com

Developer: Piotr Buda | piotr.buda@arup.com